That I have all the pretentiousness and detestableness of a yuppie without any of the professional success and won't help others because I'm weak and selfish, decadent, and don't care. That I'm infatuated with myself and harmful to society and support human rights with my words but not my actions, and a dirty filthy drunk besides. That I am astonishingly negative, which to no surprise matches the results of my life, and that people don't like me.
There. There's it. There it is -- what I fear you will say about me.
Or do I really fear hearing this:
That I combine a wussy lack of masculinity with a lack of any positive feminine attributes, and that am short and fat and balding and no woman will ever find me attractive no matter how many pathetically funny things I say because I have no sex appeal, no confidence, no swagger, and no means to get it. That I may as well decorate my penis with Christmas ornaments because it has no functional use beyond the wanton self-pleasure that I should expect to continue indefinitely.
Or fear hearing this:
That I am of average intelligence, maybe in the 52nd percentile, and that, for instance, my good grades throughout high school show my natural inability to think for myself. That there is a new intellectual scale that measures based on independence of thought rather than mindless acceptance and obsequiousness, and that these new intellectuals are currently making jokes about me that I can't understand, and that I should probably go weep in a corner out of humiliation. That I, monkey, ever thought I was intelligent!
Or fear this:
That I'm the second man ever to become pregnant, according to a reputable doctor. But I'm pregnant with bees, possibly wasps.